Faith & Purpose
Prayers work
Job 8:5-8 reveals the power of prayer while seeking God in those difficult life seasons. What does seeking God look like? How do you seek God in a time of trouble?
African Americans celebrate Watch Night
A classic devotion from our Founder Dr. Melvin Banks Sr.
Why We Must Wait: An Advent Reflection
With Advent upon us, it is time for us to reclaim, now more than ever, the discipline of waiting and delayed gratification.
One technology company said, “Thanks a Billion.”
A devotional from our Founder Dr. Melvin Banks
Devotion: An Instrument of Righteousness
Just as wickedness is likened to an instrument, righteousness is also likened to an instrument. It is up to us to choose what type of influence we desire to govern our lives.
The Privilege of Prayer with Andrew Carter
Pastor Andrew Carter reminds us that prayer is a privilege, not a chore in his new book
Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol has a message.
In Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol…
Devotional: The favor that pushes purpose to fruition
When you understand and know your purpose, it becomes easy to know what direction you need to take to manifest and walk in it.
One man moved to Thanksgiving Street
Moving from Grumbling To Thanksgiving
A God with a heart for the marginalized
A lot of times, in the midst of trial and tribulation, one can feel as though no one sees or understands the plight they are going through. However, in Deuteronomy 24 we see the thoughtfulness of God.
Celebrating God’s answers
When you pray and ask God to do something for you, or you step out in faith and begin a project or a task, there is a blessing when you see the completion and the success of it
Just Pray: An Interview with Pastor John Hannah
Many of us want to pray and grow in our prayer life, but struggle to figure out how to pray. Pastor John Hannah has insight to share. UrbanFaith interviewed Pastor Hannah about his new book Just Pray: How A Life Of Prayer Grows Unshakeable Faith.
Honoring Our Heavenly And Earthly Fathers on Father’s Day
Why is it that we may struggle so much to honor fathers? The answers are unclear and varied. But if we start with figuring out how to honor God as our heavenly Father, it may help us get better at honoring our earthly fathers.
Why Don’t We Celebrate Pentecost This Year?
Pentecost is one of the most important days in scripture, one of the most important days in Church history, and one of the most significant days for all Christians because it is the birthday for the Church. But it is a day that often passes with little celebration and attention in the lives of many believers. Why don’t we celebrate Pentecost?
Fannie Lou Hamer recorded 20 songs her mother taught her
Don't see the audio player? Click here. Fannie Lou Hamer was the 20th child of a Mississippi sharecropper. During the Civil Rights Movement, she often spoke out against brutality, indignities, and racism. She also decided to record some favorite songs she...
A Mom Trusting God in The Unknown
I want to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day! You are strong, resilient, appreciated and loved. I want to encourage you all to not lose hope. Keep praying, seeking, and trusting God even in the unknown. He has proven himself faithful and will continue to be faithful for generations to come!
No Bias in Christ
Has the enemy convinced you that there are certain blessings you cannot attain in this lifetime?
3 Ways Comparison To Other People Robs Us
Comparison is one of those acts that can steal our own joy and appreciation for what God has done for us. Here are 3 major ways that comparison robs us
Devotion: Life has a louder voice
It was important for Jesus to rise up again because the only voice that is capable of shutting down the loud voice of death is life.
Give Me Your Feet: A Maundy Thursday Reflection
A reflection on the rite of footwashing that Jesus initiated long ago with his disciples, a rite that accents many Maundy Thursday services in the Christian church.
Holy Tuesday Devotional
A Reflection on Holy Tuesday
Ida B. Wells didn’t let opposition stop her mission
God still counts on His people to declare the pure message of the Gospel and stand for justice
It’s Time to Take Control of Your Financial Health
God desires for us to have balance in everything we do. Having the confidence to handle your finances is a commitment you have to make to yourself.
St. Patrick took the Gospel to the country of Ireland
St Patrick took the Gospel to Ireland after 400 AD
Devotional: Creation awaits you
Instead of complaining about the problems in our lives, help us to look for opportunities to make a change.
God Knows the Plans
Sometimes God places a verse of Scripture in front of us again and again — until we believe it.
Jesus is the Light of the World
The birth of Christ was necessary because we, human beings, needed to restore our relationship with God
Testimony Tuesday: Surviving Cancer
Thank God, I didn’t get stuck but moved past my circumstances, when I was diagnosed with my first brain tumor.
What makes a business enterprise successful?
The Global Ethics University has identified values they say a person in business or ministry needs to be successful
Pots and Kettles
Something I’ve always struggled with while studying the bible is the relationship between the Old Testament and New Testament.
Some marriages know the joy of intimate relationships
The amazing truth is that Jesus wants us to enjoy the same intimacy with Him and with the Father that He himself enjoys.
Devotion: The Yoke of Invisible Slavery
Jesus was not afraid to address slavery head on
How do skeptics explain the resurrection of Jesus?
Ever since Jesus died on the cross, critics of His resurrection have tried to explain His empty tomb.
Holy Saturday-A Reflection
We have created services for almost every other day of Holy Week to commemorate, except for Saturday, because we just don’t know how to sit in grief.
Surprise deliverance: When Freedom Shows Up
Isn’t it time to try freedom with a Savior who understands and loves you?
The significance of a meal
There is a posture that Jesus models to us: how to deal with betrayal in the works.
A Constant reminder of His goodness
God wants us to multiply and grow in the blessings He has bestowed upon us as we willingly obeying Him.
When God is honored
There are seasons in our lives when God sends people who have the ability to change our lives completely by their influence, authority and endorsement.
When Captivity has an end date
Captivity has an end date, and the trial you are facing today, has a season that God has called “End”
Black History month is a time for special celebration
Carter G. Woodson started Black history week in 1926, to celebrate contributions of African Americans to U.S. history.
Devotion: The Healing power of redemption and restoration
How did Job move from a place of such agony and frustration to a place of a divine turnaround?
Our God believes in Justice
In a world where everyone has an opinion of what justice is, and what is wrong seems to be appealing and receiving the most media attention, as believers, it is very encouraging to know God’s pure intention and desire for what true justice is.
Devotional: A Choice To Be Made Right
Galatians 5:16 reminds us that we are in a walk, not a race to fulfill our destiny
“Type Faith”
A Poem: A brown man taught me how to love and He taught me about faith, too
Joyous Advent: Family Christmas Devotional Q&A
Advent is a wonderful time for reflection and devotion as believers look forward to Christmas and its significance for our faith. UrbanFaith had the opportunity to have a Q & A session with Katara Washington Patton, the author of Joyous Advent: Family Christmas...
The Silver Lining of Long Goodbyes
I know that staying safely nestled in my comfort zone isn’t the goal God has for my life.
What is Worship?
Why does God prize this quality so highly and what exactly qualifies as worship?
3 Ways Going Vegan has Helped my Walk with God
Switching has made me feel like I’m treating my body as a temple for the first time in a long time.
Like Father, Like Son
What Can the Parable of the Prodigal Son teach us about forgiveness?
Why Should We Give?
Is your relationship with God a transaction? I would be lying if I didn’t say that I find myself praying more when my wallet becomes conspicuously light. Altogether, this reliance on God for support is a positive experience. This level of intimacy with our creator...