Work & Economics
When Shift Happens: Michelle McKinney Hammond x UrbanFaith
Dr. Michelle McKinney Hammond shares about her faith, struggles, and embracing change through life seasons in her new book When Shift Happens
UrbanFaith x Sow and Tell
UrbanFaith sat down with Denya & Cellus Hamilton to talk about their Sow & Tell conference that integrates Faith & Works for Black & Brown Communities
We’ll All Be Free: UrbanFaith x Caroline Sumlin
UrbanFaith interviewed Caroline Sumlin about her new book We’ll All Be Free which confronts white supremacy’s assault on our self worth
Blue Eyes-Brown Eyes: An Interview with Jane Elliott
Internationally known educator Jane Elliott who showed how racism is internalized by children discusses her hopes and concerns for relationships across difference over 50 years after her famous Blue Eyes-Brown Eyes Exercise
Praying For Our World
A Prayer for the World Inspired by A Conversation with US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas Greenfield
Three Tips for Bringing Your Ministry Skills Into the Marketplace
Tip #1: Break Out of Your Box Understand that God uniquely designed you. Everything about you was created to appeal to the people, place, and position that God destined for your life. Breaking out of your box is an act of surrender that allows God the opportunity to...
UrbanFaith x Tabitha Brown
UrbanFaith interviewed Tabitha Brown about her journey, life, and faith
UrbanFaith x Chris Paul: Sixty-One Memoir
UrbanFaith sat down with Chris Paul to talk about his new book Sixty-One
Are you embracing the 4 C’s of financial literacy?
Create an outlook on money that will push and motivate you to have a healthy relationship with your finances.
Life Starts Now: An Interview with Chanel Dokun
Have you ever felt like you’ve been waiting for life to happen? Chanel Dokun, a therapist and life planner, helps us in her book Life Starts Now: How to Create the Life You’ve Been Waiting For
What Had Happened Was: An Interview with Chaz Smith
UrbanFaith editor Allen Reynolds sat down with viral content creator Chaz Smith to discuss his new Bible Story Series What Had Happened Was
Black Men x Healthcare: UrbanFaith
UrbanFaith interviewed Dr. Jerome Adams, former US Surgeon General and Dr. William Humphries, Neurosurgeon and healthcare expert about Black Men’s health.
The Dante Bowe Interview
In this UrbanFaith EXCLUSIVE Award Winning Christian Artist Dante Bowe talks about his journey, his creative process, and more
Straight Shooter: The Stephen A. Smith Interview
UrbanFaith Contributor Maina Mwaura sat down with the hardest working man in sports media Stephen A. Smith to talk about his NYT bestselling book Straight Shooter
True Impact: An Interview with Troy Vaughn
Troy Vaughn went from homelessness to pastor and CEO of one of the largest organizations fighting homelessness in the country. UrbanFaith sat down to hear his wisdom and journey
It’s Time to Take Control of Your Financial Health
God desires for us to have balance in everything we do. Having the confidence to handle your finances is a commitment you have to make to yourself.
Missions &. Medicine: An Interview with Dr. Paul Osteen
UrbanFaith a sat down to discuss the M3: Mobilizing Medical Missions Conference Dr. Paul Osteen
Overcoming Obstacles As A Faith Based CEO
3 essential tips can help you navigate obstacles as a faith-based CEO.
UrbanFaith x Faitth Brooks: Remember Me Now
UrbanFaith sat down with Faitth Brooks to talk about her journey, her new book, and her thoughts on how we can join in remembering black women now.
Never Far From Home: Bruce Jackson’s Journey from the Projects to Microsoft
Bruce Jackson shares his inspirational journey from urban poverty to attorney for hip hop legends and tech giants
Kick Up Some Dust: An Interview with Bernie Marcus
Bernie Marcus is known today as the successful co-founder of one of the most recognizable companies in the country: Home Depot. He is an author with his book Kick Up Some Dust: Thinking Big, Giving Back, and Doing It Yourself. But his journey has been...
Aspire for More: An Interview with Angela Cannon
UrbanFaith sat down with Angela Cannon, SVP of Multicultural Networks and Strategy for UP Entertainment, to discuss her career journey
7 Tips for Success from Mark Cuban (EXCLUSIVE)
UrbanFaith had an exclusive Q&A with Billionaire Businessman Mark Cuban to receive some concise wisdom for lifelong success
Civil Rights & Civic Engagement: An Interview with Rep. Jim Clyburn
UrbanFaith sat down with Congressman Jim Clyburn to discuss his faith, his legacy, and his work to strengthen democracy and justice in the United States.
Faithful Service: An Interview with Rep. Val Demings
UrbanFaith exclusive interview with US Congresswoman Val Demings
EntreVangelism: Stepping Out of the Church and Into the Marketplace
For years, I struggled to reconcile my passion for ministry and the marketplace.
UF Ministry in the Barbershop
The barbershop serves as a default counseling center and community center for many Black men. But for barbers who are believers, it becomes a place for ministry.
Balance: Interview with Touré Roberts
UrbanFaith sat down to interview Touré Roberts, the visionary leader and founder of ONE (formerly OneChurch LA) to discuss his new book Balance. Touré Roberts is a man who wears many hats. He is a husband, father, producer, pastor, author, speaker, and...
Black seminary grads, with debt higher than others, cope with money and ministry
Black ministers who pursue seminary often take on greater debt in order to serve churches across the nation.
What is this Stewardship Thing Really All About?
In church, we often hear people make reference to “being a good steward over what God has given us.” But do we really know what that means? Many would argue that the Bible talks more about money and stewardship than almost anything else. That suggests to us that what...
Seller of Purple
In her new book, Seller of Purple, Dr. Tasha M. Brown lays out a solid framework for newbie women entrepreneurs.
He Saw That It Was Good: An Interview with Sho Baraka
How can we hear and follow God in the midst of our fractured reality in ways that are faithful and life-giving? UrbanFaith sat down with the artist, activist, and creative Sho Baraka to talk about his new book He Saw That It Was Good, which helps us think through some of the most pressing questions in our world.
All Along You Were Blooming: Thoughts for Boundless Living
In her book, “All Along You Were Blooming: Thoughts For Boundless Living,” Morgan Harper Nichols not only expresses herself beautifully in both word and visual art, she offers a poetic balm to every person familiar with the sting of suffering.
Love Packages
Love Packages, a nondenominational nonprofit, takes on the arduous task of sending more than 1,500 tons of donated curriculum each year from churches and individuals nationwide to people all over the world who desperately seek them.
Bishop Vashti McKenzie Encourages Others Through New Gratitude Project
Bishop Vashti McKenzie has started her own project to inspire gratitude during COVID-19. The aptly named Gratitude Project focuses on inspiring feelings of gratitude, inspiration and joy to combat anxiety amid COVID-19.
Crown of Thorns: One Woman’s Journey From Foster Care To Success
Shalita O’Neale took her experiences growing up in foster care and used them as inspiration to create the Fostering Change Network, a nonprofit that creates avenues to a successful life after foster care while eliminating the stigma.
Empowering the Next Generation of Christian Women Leaders
With Selah: Leadership Encounters for Women, Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie aims to support Christian women leaders by creating an ongoing network of friends and colleagues who help and empower each other by opening doors, providing resources, and offering practical advice.
From Ministry to Muckraking: The Biblical Basis for Investigative Reporting
COMMENTARY: Some people say journalists are “godless.” But I spent five years in full-time Christian ministry, and my faith has made me a better reporter.
Faith in Action gears up for 2020 election season, with a focus on local offices
For the Rev. Alvin Herring, executive director of the congregation-based organizing network Faith in Action, wearing a clerical collar is about more than appearances. It prepares him for the task of making social change.
It Takes a Village to Support Students
Some years ago, my pastor asked us to take that Sunday’s message out into the world and “do life together.” My pastor’s call was a reminder that we do not walk this human journey in isolation. We do so as members of communities created around our faiths, our hometowns, our families — and our schools.
Decades after ‘Black Manifesto,’ religious groups take up reparations again
Five decades later, the reparations debate has re-entered the national spotlight, with some religious institutions leading the way.
John Perkins: On race and the church, authentic friendship, considering heaven
The evangelical author and activist who has worked on race relations for decades said “we haven’t found a language of accepting each other.”
With Joel Osteen, Kanye drops a clue about his faith, and his kinship with Trump
Will the collective American conscience idolize Kanye’s self-professed conversion to the point of whitewashing his narrative?
Stop the BS (Bad Stats)
When you hear a negative statistic about black students, question it. Ivory A. Toldson refers to these kinds of negative statistics as “BS” or “bad stats” — data points that are incomplete, poorly contextualized, usually negative and sometimes wrong.
Called to Train Young Tech Pros
Considering a career in tech but don’t have a degree? One ambitious brother let God lead him to develop a vocational school for aspiring electronic techies.
How to Be a Woman in Church Leadership
Michelle McClain-Walters’ experience in church culture and study of godly women in the Bible have given her a deeper understanding of what it means to be a God-honoring woman in leadership.
Created with unconditional love
COMMENTARY: If we could only remember who we are — made in the likeness of God! And we are called to represent God wherever we may be: in our family, in class and even in the streets.
Rise & Shine: Could church vans inspire a solution to student absenteeism?
In the fight to improve attendance, the Detroit district will try using vans to pick up absent students. The vans will be assigned to schools with particularly high rates of chronic absenteeism.
850 religious leaders back lawsuit against DHS surveillance of pastor
Earlier this month, Manhattan pastor Kaji Douša filed a federal lawsuit accusing U.S. officials of violating her religious liberty by detaining and surveilling her over her ministry to migrants at the border.
New black woman seminary president breaking ‘glass ceilings’
New York Theological Seminary President LaKeesha Walrond views her leadership of a 300-student multidenominational seminary focused on urban ministry as a reason for hope for other women.