“Mended Heart”
“Mended Heart” by Anita Latrice Riddle from Urban Faith on Vimeo. Check out her debut album!
“Mended Heart” by Anita Latrice Riddle from Urban Faith on Vimeo. Check out her debut album!
A Matrix of Majesty drawn out in ‘The Letter.’ The Bible speaks well of His splendor and no other literary masterpiece has done it better. Infiltrated with the works of His Hands. Fixated on the way He moves throughout the interface of genealogy by His own design and His own plan.
Allow the segue of expression of the Majesty of our Savior. He who opens the eyes of the blind and heals the sin sick soul despite the rebellion of behavior. HE IS, THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!
We mock masks of perfection day by day while under His SAVING GRACE and have come to the end of another year. Yet, instead of giving thanks, we’ve customized Christianity by falsifying humanity with the heralding of gift exchanges, red suits, white beards and black boots as the comrades of true cheer.
But Let’s Delve a little bit deeper into the REAL REASON why we’re here. We were created as instruments of Praise. To give God thanks for the many blessings bestowed upon our lives and to continually bless HIS Holy Name. Let us not get sidetracked by materialistic gain!
Unnecessary bloodshed, blood, sweat and tears from overtime worked, All this in attempts to show true love and care, catapulted into a twisted validation of true worth? Gifts wrapped in big black bags that zip. Lives snatched at gunpoint while souls do sift. All for the sake of gaining worthlessness at the expense of frivolous praise!
Consider the Reconciliation of the Creation to its Creator. Consider the honoring of the Father more than on Easter Day. Consider giving Him back the Glory due Him and humbling ourselves to seek Him, to Fast and to
Have you ever thought about teaching your family to sacrifice gifts to feed a family in need or those who lack? Have you ever thought about ministering to the necessities of missions, helping out and giving back?
The Word says, “When I was hungry, you fed me not.” “When I was thirsty, you gave me no drink.” Jesus tells us, “What you’ve done (or not done) to my least one, you’ve done (or not done) it unto me.”
So, let’s begin to focus on what Christ wants in this and every Season. After all, He’s the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. He’s the epitome of Humility and to God’s Light, HE IS the beacon. A character of grace and wisdom that we should mark … We’re covered by His hands and safe in His Ark.
Just talking of His Wonder does something to my Soul. His Heart is Peace. His Love is Kindness and His thoughts toward us are PURE GOLD! So in this Christmas Season that we approach yet again, We commit to honor and continually praise Him for all that HE IS!
Author: ~Anita Latrice Riddle~