Black Christian News Roundup
New On Netflix: In Hampton Roads, VA, Pharrell Williams and his uncle Bishop Ezekiel Williams set out to build an inspiring gospel choir with one mission: to change the world.
- This Black voter for Trump no longer feels alone (QCity Metro)
- How Atlanta’s Black-Jewish coalition helps Warnock and Ossoff in their fight for the Senate (Forward)
- After the election: Biden victory in hand, Black church get-out-the-vote workers assess the future (RNS)
- The Unfair Attack on Raphael Warnock (Washington Monthly)
General Interest
- This archbishop has become the first African American cardinal in Catholic history (CNN)
- Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey (Urban Faith) — David E. Talbert, Director of Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey, has written and directed a delightful musical with more black and brown faces than you typically see in a movie of its type.
- The Quest to Unearth One of America’s Oldest Black Churches (Wired)
- State marker notes AME church’s role in school desegregation fight (The Philadelphia Tribune)
- Grave Is Found at Site of Historic Black Church in Colonial Williamsburg (The NY Times)
- Research: Racial Minorities Were More Likely to Contract COVID-19 at Churches (Christianity Today)
- Black Charlotte’s Holiday Gift Guide (QCity Biz)
- Black Clergy, United Way to Launch Anti-Coronavirus Effort (AP)
- Traditional Ghanaian African Dance Workshop and Community Open Mic (Online/Dec. 3)
- 2021 Virtual Church Planning Webinar (Online/Dec. 8)
- Virtual Kwanzaa Celebration (Online/Dec. 11)
- Fixing the Racial Divide in the Church (Online/Dec. 15)