4 Tips for Fearless Witnessing at Work
Courtesy of Ja’Quan Floyd
As most Christians earn a living in secular careers, we often struggle with knowing how to best operate in and share our faith at work. We tend to play it safe—some might even say we compromise—by keeping our faith to ourselves and reserving the Gospel for church, where most believe it belongs.
Yet, the Great Commission is the #1 job of every Christian (Mark 16:14-16). We are called to preach the Word in and out of season (2 Timothy 4:2).
So why do we seem to forfeit the Lord’s work the second we clock in at our 9-to-5? FEAR!
Fear of losing our jobs. Fear of offending. Fear of looking insane. The list goes on. But God has not given us the spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7).
So here are four tips for fearless witnessing for Christ in the workplace.
Put Your Job in Its Proper Perspective
Truth is, most of us base our identity around our professions. But our careers are not our life’s purpose. Our purpose, according to the Word of God, is to glorify God (Isaiah 43:7). Our jobs, in the grand scheme of things, are merely a means to an end. We each have talents, gifts, and skills we can tap into to earn a living. But whatever we do is to ultimately bring God glory (Colossians 3:23-24; Proverbs 3:6, 16:3; Ecclesiastes 9:10). Paul was a tentmaker, Peter was a fisherman, and Jesus was a carpenter. Yet, each man is known not for his vocation, but for the great things he did for God’s kingdom.
Embrace Being Peculiar
No one wants to be that religious weirdo in the office, and no one is saying that you have to be. But Christians are called to be a “peculiar people” (1 Peter 2:9). We are set apart by God so it’s only natural that we stand out – even at work. Our renewed minds and non-conformance to the patterns of this world should cause our conduct and attitude to greatly differ from the status quo (Romans 12:2). Most employees might arrive late or slack off when the supervisor is out of the office, gossip about colleagues and leadership, or do the bare minimum when they’re not satisfied with their positions or supervisor. But Jesus is ultimately our Boss and He calls us to lead with integrity, avoid gossip, and go the extra mile (Titus 3:2; Proverbs 11:3, 20:7, 21:23; Matthew 5:14, 41). Our work ethic testifies of Him before we ever utter a word.
Know What You Believe and Why
Witnessing can be challenging when we’re not convinced of the truth of the Gospel in our own hearts. To be an effective witness for Christ, especially in a secular setting, we must be deeply rooted in our faith. When we are deeply rooted in Christ, witnessing becomes second nature. We won’t be overly anxious or hesitant about the best way to pray with a colleague or share our testimony. By the grace of the Holy Spirit, we’ll do it organically! And when we encounter that radical colleague who asks, “Why Jesus and not Muhammad or Buddha?”, we’ll have the confidence and conviction to graciously, yet boldly respond (1 Peter 3:15; 2 Timothy 4:2).
Remember that God is Your Source
As some companies ban religious symbols in the workplace, witnessing at work can seem like risky business. Job loss is an especially valid concern. But God, not man, ultimately controls our employment status. It is He who gives us the ability to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18). Some ways to share Christ shouldn’t conflict with workplace policies, such as hosting a daily prayer call before work hours (using a personal conference line), facilitating a lunchtime prayer group, or inviting someone to church or an in-home Bible study. The wisdom of the Holy Spirit also guides us in how, to whom, and when to witness. But if there are consequences to be endured for sharing Christ, know that we are blessed for righteousness’ sake (Matthew 5:10). We needn’t be ashamed of suffering for Christ’s name (1 Peter 4:6). God is our Source, Protector and Provider. He has the power to restore.