UNANSWERED QUESTIONS: Pastor Zachery Tims' body was found in a NYC hotel in Times Square.
Investigation into the death of megachurch Pastor Zachery Tims, 42, continues as mass online condolences accompany few details of his Aug. 12 passing in a New York City hotel room. Police reportedly found Tims, pastor of the 8,000-member New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Fla., near Orlando, unresponsive on the floor of his room in the W Hotel in Times Square early Friday evening. As of Sunday night following his death, reports said police did not suspect foul play. Even as they awaited autopsy results Monday afternoon, police reportedly had no plans for a criminal investigation.
Many had heard of Tims’ death through Facebook and Twitter postings before mainstream media began reporting additional information Monday morning. By noon, tweets expressing grief over Tims’ death flooded Twitter at about 25 tweets per minute, trending in Orlando. Beyond shock, other posts mentioned the impact Tims had even beyond the walls of his church.
“I know the word, but I am still stunned over the death of Pastor Zachary Tims,” tweeted Rev. Charles Jenkins, pastor of Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in Chicago, Ill. “He texted me encouragement every Sunday.” Other nationally known church and gospel music personalities posting their sentiments included CeCe Winans, the Rev. Al Sharpton, Fred Hammond and Jonathan Nelson. Commentator Roland Martin informed followers of the latest information, even though little was available beyond initial reports. The latest news reports claim a white powdery substance was found on Tims’ body, leading authorities to suspect that his death was drug related.
Originally from Baltimore, Tims earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Towson State University and another in theology from Maranatha Baptist Bible College, both in Maryland. He founded New Destiny in 1996 with six members. As church membership grew, the congregation continually expanded its facilities to ultimately hold its 8,000 members. He is survived by his ex-wife and four children.
He will be greatly missed he was a soldier in the Lords army..kind of think when he got woundeded he never really attended to his own wounds just kept on fighting for the rest of the soldiers. Makes me sad to think. “If he did relapse” he must have felt he really had no one to turn to..sometimes when your the go to person all the time, people don’t realize just how vulnerable that makes you..too young too soon.
Ms Bell your words are well spoken.
I am so torn apart from this terrible news. I have been a memeber to New Destiny for three years. Ever since I have attended this church, my life has changed completely and have never been the same. This is a True Man of God..His work for God is still truly amazing and his energy and Faith in God has taught me to never ever Give up and Trust God. I have been in tears and in shock these past days. There is no one like this man to me. He is truly a Solider for God. I pray and fell sorry for the people who Judge him for you too shall be Judge. We dont know what he”s has been through personally and will never know. It doesnt matter of his shortcomings we are all human. Let’s not forget that God has a microscope on YOU and the rest is history!!!!!!!
Im very saddened to hear about the passing of Pastor Zachary Tims. The question that I ask is “How does this happen to a man of God”? My answer is “Satan is very busy going after the Shepherds because he knows that the sheep will scatter if the Shepherd should fall. Brothers and Sisters in Christ it is very vital that we pray daily for our pastors because Satan will always go after them first. May God Bless and strenghten everyone who has been affected by this very stragic incident. Lisa Essien
To the New Destiny Church, you are in my prayers day and night! Allow the power of the HOLY GHOST to comfort you during this difficult time.
As much as we hate to see Pastor Tims go, he has kept the faith, he has finished his course and he is not resting from his labor. He has conquered his demons and confounded his adversaries. Regardless of what the Atheist and the non-believers say, he was and is a Man of God. My prayers go out to his family and to his church family. May he rest in the arms of God. Peace!
As much as we hate to see Pastor Tims go, he has kept the faith, he has finished his course and he is now resting from his labor. He has conquered his demons and confounded his adversaries. Regardless of what the Atheist and the non-believers say, he was and is a Man of God. My prayers go out to his family and to his church family. May he rest in the arms of God. Peace!
We should all be saddened by the untimely death of this young, but very powerful pastor. We should know in our own hearts when we hear a true man of GOD speak. And if you have ever heard Pastor Time, u would have heard just that. Yes, I realize that we look to pastors for leadership and guidance, but please remember, pastors are also human beings living in this world too. When we make mistakes, we want people to look past them and forgive us, so we need to do the same. I’m praying for all his family and his congregation, may GOD keep every last one of you in HIS arms for comfort and strength. And to Pastor Tims, may you rest in peace in the kingdom of GOD of which you represented.
I pray that his life becomes the example the Lord intends it to be – both the good and the bad. Someone’s life will be forever transformed from this news and I pray that it is a good thing. I am reading that many people (including clergy people) in the international Christian community are shaken up by this “untimely death.” But the Lord’s wisdom far exceeds our finite understanding.
We don’t have to judge. God is clear in the Bible that a man who perpetuates the sins of Pastor Tims is both “foolish and wicked.” I pray for his ex-wife and his four children who have endured so much from a man who squandered God’s blessings in his life.
The times are critical and we don’t need people “playing church” – no matter how anointed they appear to be. Countless lives and souls hang in the balance. It’s important for our clergy to take their roles to soul saving into deeper spiritual consideration.
Now that’s what I call real talk on a level deeper than what most people would be willing to go. But people do need to hear it without all the sugar coating. The WORD isn’t sugar coated, so we shouldn’t teach IT like IT is. Great word, Black Socialite!!!
Excellent and well stated. We must follow our church leaders only as they follow Christ. The Lord will be the final judge. However, our clergy must understand that they are accountable and live what they preach. May the Lord comfort his family as well has his church family and all in the body of Christ who have been saddened by the untimely death of this young man and the circumstances causing it. let us continue to pray and lift one another up in prayer.
True enough,Pastor Tims homegoing is a time for all believers to reflect on our own walk with the Lord.The Word instructs us to touch not God’s anointed and do his Prophets no harm.This is physically or verbally.God’s redemptive power is greater than our sins.Christian leaders are not God.We must keep our eyes on Jesus and Him alone.This brother obviously led many to faith in Christ,and those are the fruit of his labor on this earth.Love covers a multitude of sins.
Well said, Black Socialite. The American Church is in deep, deep trouble. Repentance has to start with the house of God. I pray that those who looked to this man be strengthened while turning their eyes toward Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of our faith. I pray that the Holy Spirt comforts his congregation and his family like no one else can.
Pastor Tims’ tragic loss of life may have nothing to do with spiritual insincerity but all to do with one’s humanity which at anytime can lead any of one of us over a precipice: but by the grace of God we stand another day. You sound like someone who knows the word so you should know better than to be quick to judge a man’s life. The bible says by their fruit you shall know them. Another verse indicates that a kingdom divided will not stand. It is clear whose side Pastor Tims worked for his works do follow him. This may not be a case for earth to judge or even understand but one only for heaven to heal. Pray for his family and the church God permitted him to oversee for fifteen years.
I’m trying my very best to live a HOLY life and I’d appreciate it if my clergy would do the same! The Bible speaks of “being HOLY for I am HOLY”. It makes no excuse for sin….Wake up church! GOD holds us to a higher level of living than one comprised of “we’re human”.
Regardless of “Cause of Death” for the Coroner to prove his findings and the family to begin some Closure, It is not important for all of us to know how he died but what he did when he was alive. Grieve and Let the Dead bury the Dead. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Father. He was a Wonderful Man of God, not perfect. Let his soul Rest in Peace and pray for his parents and entire biological family, church family and television family. The church needs to be held up in prayer and mended. This may take a while but hold on to your faith. His Clergy family should be lining up the calender to take turns preaching healing into the congregation so they dont go astray keep them focused on whats at hand “Kingdom”. He would want us to remain focused.
Phenomenal man of God!
Pastor Tims>Battle fought, victory won…Enter into thou Masters joy! R.I.P
My deepest condolences to Pastor Tims Family/Congregation of NDCC;
There will be a time when all of the pieces will fit together
and you will understand the reason for the pain.
I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death/
They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make.
Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories.
We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared their love.
If the future seems overwhelming, remember that it comes one moment at a time.
May God’s peace reign upon you now & forever.
I pray that the God of comfort will comfort the church and his family at this painful time. He has finished his course and is now resting in the bosom of Jesus. To Pastor Riva, be strong and courageous, God has not forgotten you.
N.D.C.C. will be in my prayers along with Pastor Tims 4 children. :'(
It is truly tragic that this poor man found himself in such a contradictory life, as Paul described wanting to do right, but the right he would do – he could not. What loneliness, remorse, shame and sheer terror must have haunted this man who both lived in the dark and the light. Are we all
so different?
Does his position call him to higher things and demand of him a greater life? Yes it does. But positions do not keep you, positions do not fill the emptiness inside you, positions cannot sustain the gift of God. So is he without our pity? Are his children unworthy of our prayers? No. For his family needs us more now than before and it is our obligation if we care to call on the name of the Lord in their stead.
Must he account for his sins? Yes. But to us at this time there is no account to be given, save that to our heavenly father who will have mercy on whom he’ll have mercy.
So what must we do to be saved? When the terrors of our life come whispering and pressing against us in our darkest night … call on the Lord, for only he can save us. He will draw us into his perfect light and deliver us from evil.
Our prayers ar with NDCC and Pastor Tims family, We enjoyed Pastor Tims at our church 2 weeks ago we only met him once was touched by his coming,did not know his life, was impressed, we hve heard the bad, but will not judge, God will do that, but something should be said of all the good the man did for so many and the church he built and lives that came to Jesus because of him, There is some good for God in all these stories, saints let’s just pray and not talk!!!!!!! Pastor L. H. Jackson, Mobile, Ala.8/16/2011
My heart is so hurt for the way Pastor Tims succumbed to death, as someone has already replied…Sometimes we are so busy attending to other people’s wounds that we find little time to care for our own . As a people, we are so self-entitled, selfish, and narccisistic, that we have no time for others. This should be a testiment to the Scripture for us ALL: “We should be our brother’s keeper”.
Zachary Tims (In Memorial) No One Is Immune
Once, twice, three times, maybe more, tell me what went wrong?
No one is surprised about athletes but a pastor singing this song?
8,000+ members in sunny Florida, two locations, Zachary Tims,
Cocaine! Dead @ 42 preaching the word exactly how did it end?
August 12, Big Apple, New York City, not answering the door,
For his safety, hotel security broke in, OMG! Dead on the floor,
Bolted from the inside, jewelry, personal belongings, all intact,
No robbery, no assault, no wounds, foul play or deadly attack.
Started his ministry with 4 people & by chance in a hotel room,
What are the odds different hotel same location spells his doom?
Envelop of white powder believed to be narcotics in his pocket,
Well, now it makes sense for privacy he had to dead bolt lock it.
New Destiny Christian Center began in 1966, despite his past,
Attempted murder charges, addiction, prayed it would not last,
Wife Rita left in 2008 as Zachary admitted an, “indiscretion,”
She began Majestic Life Ministries, preaching’s her profession.
They spent time together in Puerto Rico a week before his death,
With their 4-kids, maybe depression digested in one last breath,
Pastor Zachary was a regular on, “Praise The Lord” with TBN,
August 20th he’ll be laid to rest surrounded by family & friends.
Scandals so many scandals ending with death beginning at birth,
No matter race, creed, color, who you know , what you’re worth,
We train and tame wild animals but not the mouth, too many lies,
When the, “Almighty” says it’s time to depart no one can survive.
May God comfort the family and congregation of Pastor Tims. Somethings will only be understood in eternity. Let us all remember all the good things he did and all the lives he touched.