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One work expert said if you want to get ahead on your job, go to work well-rested and presentable. Get a good night’s sleep and never show up looking like you just rolled out of bed. Take a shower, wear clean clothes, and look presentable. Of course this is common sense advice for people who know the value of work. Using our abilities not only enables us to earn money to cover living expenses, it’s God’s way to help us enjoy fulfillment in life. And finding fulfillment requires that we discover and pursue the work God gifted us to do. Once we know it, we can trade it or use it to generate income. It’s why the Apostle Paul told the believers in Thessalonica, “Those unwilling to work will not get to eat.” And the Apostle Peter, though speaking of spiritual gifts that build the church, said in 1 Peter chapter 4, “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” Peter, of course is speaking primarily of spiritual gifts, but the principle is similar with natural abilities. They all come from God. God gives them to us to benefit others. When we use them that way, we honor God; we find our own purpose; and we enjoy and inner fulfillment as well.
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Excellent commentary.