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Don’t see the audio player? Click here.When a baby giraffe is born, the newborn shakes the birthing fluid from its eyes and ears, and then tries to stand up. But then, what seems cruel happens: The mother giraffe gives the baby giraffe a kick, sending it tumbling head over heels. As the baby giraffe tries to stand up again, the mother kicks it again and again. She is teaching it to get up and walk quickly so when lions, hyenas, and hunting dogs come, the giraffe knows how to get up quickly and get moving. King David knew something about the wise kicks God sometimes permits in the lives of His people. Yet rather than letting the kicks depress him into despair, David asks God for help. In Psalm 86, he confesses the reality of his dire situation–a violent gang is trying to kill him. Yet in the same breath, he rises in faith to get a glimpse of God’s sufficiency and says, “But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.” “I will call to you whenever I am in trouble, and you will answer me.” So when life kicks us, as the mother giraffe kicks its young, keep believing that our Heavenly Father still loves us. He will faithfully sustain us through all our difficult times.