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A recent survey revealed that 64% of students had cheated on a test, and 30% had stolen from a store. On top of this, 93% of these same students said they were satisfied with their personal ethics and character. One observer said, “Don’t kid yourself. We blame young people for cheating, but they are just copying what adults do.” He points to adult failings like deceptive advertising, shaving on quality, cheating on expenses, manipulating financial statements, and misreporting income. The Bible is quite clear that God wants us to be just and right in all our relationships and activities. In fact, the words justice and righteousness come from the same word. The idea derives its meaning from God’s nature. God is just and righteous in all His being, His thoughts, His words, and His actions; and He tells us to be righteous as He is. Proverbs 21:4 says, “The LORD is more pleased when we do what is right and just than when we offer him sacrifices.” That means right actions far exceed public, hollow worship. When our personal and business dealings are unjust and wicked, we cannot make up for it with public worship and big donations. It is why Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

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