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Don’t see the audio player? Click here.One woman said she concluded that God did not exist because she asked God to heal her son and he died. Other people question why God does not perform miracles today as He did long ago. In reality, God’s power is always at work sustaining the universe and you and me. When Israel was in Egypt, God listened to their cries for hundreds of years before He acted. He delivered them when He was ready to fulfill His preset purpose. After that great victory, Israel sang a hymn to praise God for His amazing victory over the Egyptians. We read this in Exodus 15: “Pharaoh’s chariots and army he has hurled into the sea. The deep waters gushed over them; and they sank to the bottom like a stone. Your right hand, O LORD, is glorious in power.” Our minds are too puny to understand fully the mystery of why God does what He does. One thing is clear, however. God acts according to His wise purposes. We may or may not see the miraculous as we define the word. Yet we are most likely to see God’s power at work as we align our requests with His will and purpose-when we base our requests upon what God has promised in His word. That is one reason we study the Bible–to learn what God has promised to do for His children. God is totally committed to keep every promise He has made to us.