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Beeson Theologian Dr. Timothy George says three people influenced Chuck Colson’s worldview. One was William Wilberforce who fought to abolish slavery in England. Another was Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who famously said, “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” Bonhoeffer died as a martyr in World War 2. A third person was Abraham Kuyper; he insisted that Christ must be Lord over every aspect of a person’s life. These men inspired Chuck Colson to become the champion of prisoners and their families, most whom are people of color. Colson’s work as founder of Prison Fellowship reflects God’s concern for the least of these—a concern we read about all through the Bible. Psalm 146 is one such place. The writer praises God who made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them; as the God who keeps every promise He has made; but also, he is the God who gives justice to the oppressed, food for the hungry, liberty for prisoners, sight to the blind, and hope for the despairing and hopeless. These are not merely figures of speech pointing to spiritual needs. God is equally concerned for all our needs–social, physical, and economic wellbeing. God counts on us — His people– to express His concern by what we say and do.