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A recent study concludes that two-thirds of all future jobs will require a college education. Young people must not ignore the reality that education is important in our society. Yet simply knowing this does not always translate into the kind of action youth need to take. When God commissioned Joshua to lead Israel into the Promised Land, God began by giving him a vision of what he could accomplish–He impressed on him what success would look like. We read in Joshua 1: 2, God said, “The time has come for you to lead these people across the Jordan River into the land I am giving them.” God went on to say, “Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you.” God then described the geographical boundaries of the land he would conquer. Then after painting the picture of what he could achieve, God told Joshua what to do in order to realize the vision: He must diligently study the Book that Moses had written–all the words that God had revealed to Moses. Thirdly, God assured Joshua that God’s presence would be with him to help him succeed. Youth often drop out of school because they do not have a clear vision of what school can do for them. And they lack the confidence that God will help them succeed when they apply themselves. Helping youth accept these truths when they are young can motivate them to persist when they are tempted to quit.