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Don’t see the audio player? Click here.A blogger for the Harvard Business Review says the most important question one can ask is this: “Why are you here?” Others would add two other questions: “Where did you come from,” and “Where are you headed?” Jesus asked the Pharisees a question everyone must ponder: He asked them, “What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is he?” Jesus asked that question knowing they believed the Messiah would be a descendant of King David. But they had overlooked what David himself wrote in Psalm 110. King David called the Messiah his superior—his Lord. Jesus asked them how could the Messiah be both David’s descendant as well as his Lord—his superior. Here’s the answer. The Messiah is both God and human. As God, he existed before David. As human, he came after David. Since Jesus the Messiah is both God and human, we cannot afford to ignore Him. Of course, we accept this truth by faith, but it is not blind faith. God has revealed this to us in His most reliable word—the Bible. Jesus said David spoke by God’s Spirit when he called the Messiah his Lord. So the most important question for us is this: Have we accepted Jesus Christ as our Messiah. Is our faith resting in Him as our Savior and Lord? Are we living each day to please the One we claim as our Savior—loving Him with all our hearts and loving others as He desires us to do?