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Few people would argue that our greatest fear is death. We know that whether we want to face it or not, one-day death will overtake us. Since death is inevitable, wise people prepare for it. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is our best source of information about life after death. He came from heaven and went back there after rising from the dead. While He was here, he made an astounding claim that no one should ignore. To comfort Martha whose brother had died, He said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live even after dying. Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die.” By saying this, Jesus asserted more than he gives resurrection and life. He in fact causes people to rise from the dead and gives them life; but He is saying something else. He is saying that his very nature is such that final death is impossible for him. He is life, and all who are united with Him by faith can never die. They will live as long as Jesus lives. Faith in Him takes away fear of death. Jesus asked Martha, “Do you believe this?” Martha responded with a resounding “Yes;” she had submitted herself to Jesus as her Lord and Savior. When wise people today do as Martha did, Jesus changes them from the inside out. He enables them to live productive lives now, and He prepares them for the day when life on earth ends.