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Generation Y are people born since 1980. Generation Z followed them. Experts differ on how to define both groups, and now they realize that these descriptions do not always apply to all ethnic groups. These recent generations prefer to connect quickly by using new media technology and work for companies that use modern technology. This present generation also differs from past ones in other areas. More are skeptical of religion. They delay marriage because they have seen the failures and pain of their parents’ marriages. They prefer to work in groups but are still very self-centered, and many think the world revolves around them. Yet the Bible makes is that all of us should be concerned about others. The Apostle Paul stressed this as he gave instructions about conduct during church worship. Some people were acting quite self-centered in the use of their spiritual gift. The apostle told them that rather than being so stuck on satisfying their own ego, they should consider how the exercise of their gifts would affect others. In 1 Corinthians 14, He said, “Since you are so eager to have the special abilities the Spirit gives, seek those that will strengthen the whole church.” He urged them to focus, not on self, but on the needs of others.