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Every person who enlists in the United States Marine Corps takes a vow. Marines promise to live by the values of honor, courage, and commitment. Most importantly, they promise always to be faithful—to their country, their fellow marines, their families, and the job at hand. “Always Faithful” has been the Marine motto since 1883. And to them, there is no ex-marine or former marine, but once a marine, always a marine. Their pledge of loyalty reminds us of the faithfulness our Lord asks of his followers. Here is what we read in Matthew chapter 24, “You . . . must keep watch! For you don’t know what day your Lord is coming. Understand this: If a homeowner knew exactly when a burglar was coming, he would keep watch and not permit his house to be broken into. You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.” Jesus urges us to show our faithfulness to Him by being prepared for His return. Although we do not know when he will come, we are certain that He will. We prepare for his coming by accepting him as our Savior and by using the abilities and resources He has given us to promote His Kingdom agenda. That agenda includes spreading the news of His love, of His offer to forgive sins, and of his desire that justice and righteousness prevail in our world.

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