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Don’t see the audio player? Click here.Business experts say that for a company to thrive, it needs values: honesty, fairness, truthfulness, and reliability. Values are also critical if Christians are to thrive—if they want to honor God, be a blessing to others, and find fulfillment in life. In Ephesians chapter 6, the Apostle Paul identifies values every Christian should adopt. He expresses them in the language of a Roman soldier’s armor: Truth—we must cling to truth as revealed in and by Jesus who is the truth. Righteousness—we should live a Christ-centered righteous life, based on the right standing God gives us when we accept Christ into our lives. Peace —we should share with others the Good News of peace with God that we now enjoy. Faith—we must grow in faith toward our Heavenly Father, who though unseen is very real. Salvation—we are to ever rejoice in the great salvation God has given us. The sword of the Spirit—we must study, and obey God’s trustworthy Word, the Bible. Prayer —we must pray regularly about everything and for all believers everywhere. Lastly, we must stay alert and resist the urge to satisfy hurtful bodily desires; the urge to acquire needless stuff; and the urge to gain unbridled power and control over others. These values come from God, so they are reliable and effective.
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