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Don’t see the audio player? Click here.Researchers once tried to uncover things macho men do—or don’t do—to boost their manliness. Some men refuse to iron their blue jeans; they use one arm to hug another man; they prefer fast or expensive cars; they avoid shedding tears, or think attending church is what weak women do. Manliness has its place, even though some men are confused by what really makes them manly. No one could accuse King David of being unmanly. Not only did he face and slay Goliath, he led an army of many thousands of brave soldiers who fought and won incredible wars. At the same time, he knew his limitations. Not only did he admit facing battles he could not win without supernatural help, he also turned to God when his friends slandered and demonized him. He knew his limitations, and where to turn in times of distress. We read in Psalm 55 about his humble dependence on God: “I will call on God and the Lord will rescue me. Morning, noon and night I cry out in my distress, and the Lord hears my voice. He ransoms me and keeps me safe from the battle waged against me, though many still oppose me. God, who has ruled forever will hear me and humble them.” Real macho men are not stupid. They confess their need for God and humbly submit to Him and to His Son Jesus. Macho men know that only God and can enable them reach their full potential in this life.