The reality of this day and age is that we all need to know our rights when confronted by the police. Check out The Root’s primer on the matter.

Looks like there is some infighting in Shondaland, just kidding. Rhimes’s new show “How to Get Away with Murder” beat veteran show “Scandal” in ratings during its series premiere.

Speaking of “How to Get Away with Murder,” the shows star, Viola Davis, responded to critics thoughts on her less classically beautiful looks with style and grace.

Marlene Pinnock, the woman who was beaten on the side of the road by a highway patrol officer, received a hefty settlement. Find out how much and what happened to the officer.

First, Cincinnati Bengal’s player Devon Still made us cry with the pep talk he gave to his daughter before her cancer treatment

Then he made us cry again for joy when we find out that all of her cancerous tumors have been removed.

What would you do with an extra $500 right now? 320 members at LaSalle Street Church are faced with that question as they are all benefiting from the church’s financial windfall. Find out more about the fortuitous fortune bestowed upon them.

Have a great and safe weekend.

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