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Years ago, an airplane went down off the shores of Florida. Searchers combed the water for days in the hot sun looking for the black box—without success. One searcher had prayed for the families and for safety, but never thought to pray to find the black box. Finally, he asked God to help him find it. When he resumed the search, his pole hit the box. Often we fail in our efforts because we act in our own strength without asking and depending upon our all sufficient Father. We read in Mark chapter nine how a man brought his demon possessed son to Jesus’ disciples, asking them to cast out the demon. The disciples were unable to do it, so Jesus did it. Later, they asked Him why they were unable to do so. Here is what Jesus said: “This kind can be cast out only by prayer.” It seems that the disciples, though they had cast out demons when the Lord gave them authority and sent them on a mission to do so. Here they are relying on their own ability—without trusting the power of God that comes from faith, and they fail. Jesus invites us to maintain faith in God, to make our prayer requests according to His purpose and will, and allow Him to answer as He sees best.
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