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Reports say some schools in several states have changed students’ grades to make them look good. In some cases, they do it to make the school look good, in other cases they want to make the students look good. Either way, they are cheating and cheaters always lose. Of course, cheating is not new. Long ago, Rebekah did it to help her son—and she thought to help God. Her husband Isaac believed he was about to die, so in keeping with the custom of the day, he was about to give his blessing to his older son, Esau. Rebekah overheard the plan, and recalling God’s word to her that Jacob should get the blessing, she decided to deceive her husband so Jacob would get Isaac’s best blessing. She prepared a deceptive meal and directed Jacob to wear deceptive clothes—all to deceive her husband who had poor eyesight—that Jacob was his older son, Esau. It seemed to work. Isaac blessed Jacob above Esau. But that scheme resulted in Jacob having to run for his life to escape his brother’s wrath. Her deception and favoritism of one son over the other had this result: She never saw her son Jacob alive again. She died before he returned. Cheating may seem to pay, but never does. It is why the Bible is so clear in Galatians 6:7: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”

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