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After serving 16 years for a crime he did not commit, a man was awarded $53 million for his wrongful conviction. He was so moved by the plight of other innocent prisoners that he decided to use his award to help others prove their innocence. So the injustice he endured motivated him to do good for others. In Judges Chapter 2, we learn that God chose Samson to liberate ancient Israel from injustice the Philistines had inflicted on them. To prepare him for his job, God told his parents to raise him as a Nazirite. He was to let his hair grow, avoid alcohol, and never touch a dead body. But as Samson grew up, he violated God’s instructions because he was so self-centered. Yet despite his unruly behavior, God used him to carry out his purposes. He defeated the Philistines several times, but they finally conquered him after he told Delilah the secret of his strength—his long hair. God has plans for each of us—plans to do us good, plans to use us in this world for His own purposes. But to know the joy and fulfillment that comes from using our God-given abilities, we must do what Samson did not do: we must humbly submit to God.