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When NASA sent astronauts to the moon, they used three rocket boosters to get there. They needed three because one did not have enough power to take them all the way. So after a booster served its purpose, they let it fall away. Otherwise, they would never have reached the moon. This illustrates why God gave us the Ten Commandments. In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he explains that God gave us the law for a special purpose–so we could realize how weak we are to live up to His moral standards. The 10 laws show us our failures, but they cannot rid us of sin or give us eternal life. The only way we can get rid of our sins is through Christ. He died to pay our sin debt, and when we invite Him into our lives, God forgives us of all our sins. Paul is careful to tell us that once we receive Jesus Christ into our lives by faith, our faith will express itself in love. We will love God and love people. Our love for God will motivate us to please him. Our love for people will cause us to respect them, to treat them fairly, and to help them get justice. Based on the Apostle’s teaching, if we claim to know God but fail to show love to God and others, our profession rings hollow. Of course, Christians are not perfect, but our actions should show that we are growing in our love for God and in our love for people.