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While some urban churches don’t have resources for extensive ministries, they still do more than preach and sing. In fact, one urban church in Chicago has 70 different ministries. They not only teach the Bible, they offer a variety of services for children, youth, young adults, adults, and senior adults. They serve the incarcerated, the poor, the homeless, and people with civil and legal issues. This church also supports whole villages in Africa. Most urban churches know that God calls Christians to serve all the needs of people, not just the spiritual. That was one of the points the elderly Apostle John reflected in his 3rd letter. Writing to Gaius, one of the early church leaders, John complimented him for the way he assisted others in their physical needs. John told him that by meeting these urgent needs of others, he was living out or acting out the truth. He was unlike another leader, Diotrophes. That brother was proud, dictatorial, and self-centered. He even excommunicated those in the church who showed kindness to others. But John considered Gaius a genuinely mature leader. He encouraged God’s people to serve others by using the gifts and abilities God had given them. Jesus had taught John that showing love to one another is not only the best way to maintain unity in the church; it is crucial in attracting others to accept and follow the Lord.

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