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One expert says to break a bad habit, challenge yourself; make your intentions clear; know the benefits; take action; eliminate excuses; enlist help; track your progress; reward yourself; and keep it up. Bad habits are often sinful habits. In Romans 6, the Apostle Paul reveals God’s way for breaking a sinful bad habit. First, we must know that no one who is in a saving relationship with Christ is in bondage to sin. When Jesus was dying on the cross, God united us with Jesus so that we died with Him. When Jesus arose from the dead, we believers rose with Him. The Apostle explains that since we are in union with Christ, we are dead to sin; we are no longer obligated to our old sinful nature. Here are Paul’s words from Romans 6: “We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives.” By faith we must accept that truth as fact. Secondly, we must reckon ourselves as being dead to our old sinful nature. To reckon is to believe that victory over a sinful habit is possible. Finally, Paul says we must yield the members of our bodies to God—to do the things that please God. Yield our mind, emotions, and will; our heart, hands, feet, ears, and eyes, to God. As we follow these three-steps, God will help us break a sinful habit and do what pleases Him. And when we fail, God will forgive us and help us to try again.

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