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Don’t see the audio player? Click here.Ray Blunt is a consultant for conveying values and shaping character. He says one way leaders can equip others to lead is by building relationships and using stories to convey their own experiences. Stories not only helps people remember, they give the context for the knowledge we want to convey. Doubtlessly, that is one reason God tells us to fellowship with other believers in a church setting. It is also the reason God gave instructions that Joshua should call the people would come together regularly and rehearse their history in the form of stories. stories of their deliverance from slavery gives us so many stories in the Bible. When Moses was about to end his leadership role over his people, at God’s instruction, he anointed Joshua to become the next leader. We read in Deuteronomy 31 that he told Joshua that every seven years he should call an assembly of all the people. This would be for the express purpose of reading to the assembly all the instructions Moses recorded as their guide. These instructions included stories of how God delivered the people from Egyptian slavery, instituted a convenant at Mt. Sinai, cared for them throughout their wilderness wanderings, and brought them to the threshold of crossing the Jordan River into the Promised Land. Stories are a powerful tool to convey content. We should tell our stories of how God has led us and sustained us through good and bad times. When we do, we leave a well-marked path. Our children and others can then find their way.