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Don’t see the audio player? Click here.A grandma gave her grandson his first slingshot. He practiced, but could never hit his target. One day, in his grandma’s backyard, he spied her pet duck. On an impulse, he took aim, killed the duck, and hid it in the woodpile; only to look up and see his sister watching. She said nothing but after dinner, when their grandma said it was his sister’s turn to help do the dishes, she whispered to her brother, “Remember the duck?” With that, he volunteered to do the dishes. Later, he wanted to go fishing, but his sister whispered, “Remember the duck?” He let her go fishing instead. He finally realized he was going to be at her mercy unless he confessed. So he did, and grandma said, “I knew you did it; I was standing at the window. I already forgave you. I wondered how long you were going to let your sister make a slave out of you.” God longs to forgive us. When we turn to him in repentance and claim the death of His Son as the payment for our sin, God graciously forgives and forgets. We read in Hebrews 10, that Jesus “Our High Priest offered himself to God as a single sacrifice for sins, good for all time.” God’s very nature moves Him to forgive; but God requires us to admit our need and turn from our sin. When we do this, God graciously forgives us. He forgives because His Son paid our entire sin debt on the cross of Calvary. So confess your sin to God. Don’t let Satan make you his slave.