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We know that drugs and alcohol can be additive. But experts tell us that we can also be addicted to gambling, sex, shopping, or even exercise. The Bible tells us that we can be addicted to the pursuit of money, power, and pleasure. The critical question is how we free ourselves from such bondages. We’re so glad for the wisdom God gives physicians and clinicians on how to deal with the physical and emotional conditions of addictions. At the same time, we realize that as humans, we also have a spiritual problem. Our alienation from God keeps our entire personalities from functioning properly. God, in His word, invites us to come to Him and allow Him to restore our sin-sick souls. While the pathway to recovery may be long and hard, it leads to wholeness that we can only find in God Himself. Addictions reflect an imbalance in the personality that only God can fix. When we allow God to reorganize our inmost being by the presence of His Spirit, He will put us on a path to wholeness. It begins when we accept His Son as our Savior and Lord. If we act based on James 1:22 of not just listening to God’s word but also doing what it says; if we worship God, fellowship with His people, and use our abilities to make a difference in our world, God’s Spirit will transform our inmost being, and help us to gain victory over addictions.