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Suggestions for staying physically healthy are plenty. But most often, they include these ideas: Eat healthy food; Exercise regularly, and get plenty of sleep — great tips to help us keep healthy physically. But how can we keep healthy spiritually? In most of his epistles, the Apostle Paul stresses three important exercises Christians ought to follow — faith, love, and hope. In writing to the Colossian believers, he highlights these values this way: “We always pray for you, and we give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. For we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and your love for all of God’s people, which comes from your confident hope of what God has reserved for you in heaven.” Faith, love, and hope. We receive these three critical gifts from God when we accept Jesus Christ into our lives. Faith enables us to grow in our relationship with God. God permits us to undergo various experiences to increase our faith. Love helps us to grow in our relationships with others as we treat them with compassion and justice. Hope enables us to endure present difficulties, even as we look ahead to the day when our Lord returns from glory. The more we focus on faith, love, and hope, the better equipped we become to grow and go for our Lord.
Thank you for a very helpful biblical lesson. For a few weeks now I’ve been struggling with weight and trying to get healthy again.I prayed for an article like this to show me, remind me of how loving and faithful the most high is. He is looks no other.