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George Müller ran several orphanages in Germany but never solicited donations. Instead, as a student of the Scriptures, he would search God’s word for a specific promise, and then ask God to fulfill that promise. That is also how Daniel prayed. We read in Daniel 9, that as he studied the book of Jeremiah, he saw where God had promised to let his people go home after 70 years in exile. After reading that promise, Daniel fasted and confessed the sins of his people. Then basing his plea upon God’s integrity, he pleaded that God would keep the promise He had made. He confessed that God was just in permitting his people to go into exile. God was just because they had so blatantly rebelled against God’s word, turned from God, exploited the poor and weak, and adopted the wicked practices of the surrounding nations. Now after 70 years of exile, Daniel pleads that God would forgive them and let them go home. He said to God, “We make this plea, not because we deserve help, but because of your mercy.” God answered Daniel’s prayer in response to his plea, yes, but also because God had promised to do it. God is far more likely to answer our prayers when we pray like Daniel; when we base our request upon what God has promised to do for His children.