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Years ago, the governor of Massachusetts was running for a second term in office. He stopped by a church to shake hands. Since they were serving barbecue and he was hungry, he got in line to eat. The woman serving chicken put a piece on his plate. Since was so famished, he asked her for a second piece. She said, “I’m sorry, they told me to give one piece to each person. He then said, “Do you know who I am? I am the governor of this state.” She said, “Do you know who I am? I am in charge of the chicken. So please sir, move on.” This was unfortunate for a governor, but it shows how the woman followed instructions. Obeying instructions is what enabled Jesus disciples to catch 153 fish. After fishing all night on the Sea of Galilee, they had caught nothing. Early that morning, they saw Jesus on the shore but did not immediately recognize him. He called to them, “Fellows, have you caught any fish?” “No,” they replied. “Throw your net on the right side of the boat, and you’ll get some!” The disciples followed Jesus’ instructions and came up with 153 large fish. Often in life, we may toil long and hard and see little results. But if we seek to faithfully following principles of God’s word, we can expect results that please God—if we do not give up and quit.