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Don’t see the audio player? Click here.The documentary, Eyes on the Prize, relates the struggle by African Americans to win civil rights in our country. It describes the courage of Rosa Parks, Dr. King, and many others who endured taunts, humiliation, dogs, and jail to win the rights African Americans enjoy today. Yet their tenacity in fighting for justice is only a hint of what our Lord endured to achieve eternal salvation for us. The book of Hebrews (Ch. 3) compares Jesus to Moses, that ancient hero of Israel. The writer says Moses was truly great in leading his people out of Egypt and giving them God’s laws. But even Moses is not worth comparing to Jesus; because by dying on the cross, Jesus’ sacrifice can deliver any person from the bondage of sin. Through Jesus, we can enjoy God’s peace and power in this life, and know that an eternal home awaits us when this life is over. So the writer urges us to “think carefully about this Jesus whom we declare to be God’s messenger and High Priest.” Jesus is God’s Messenger because He has delivered God’s final message to us. He is God’s appointed Priest, the only person whose sacrifice God accepts to atone for sin. Because He fully obeyed His Father, He is destined to rule the entire universe. Jesus earned that right by fully submitting to His Father, by persisting until He paid the utmost price of His life. Jesus is not only our way to have acceptance with God, He is our model for obeying God, and for loving and serving one another.