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The causes of stress are many. It can come from physical or mental health issues, career demands, financial problems, lack of sleep, lack of time, or just putting up with difficult people—at home or on the job. Moses had his share of dealing with difficult people. We find in Numbers 11 that he got very upset from all the complaints of the people he was leading. Here is how he once expressed his frustration to the Lord, “Have mercy on me! What did I do to deserve the burden of all these people?… I can’t carry all these people by myself! The load is far too heavy! If this is how you intend to treat me, just go ahead and kill me. Do me a favor and spare me this misery!” (from vv. 11–15). Here’s some advice experts offer people frustrated from overwork: 1) Take time out to pray; ask God to calm your mind and give you wisdom on how to proceed. 2) Ask other people to help you get certain things done. 3) Prioritize your tasks and tackle the most important one first. 4) Try not to despair when things seem overwhelming; difficulties do not mean God has abandoned you. 5) Be patient; all problems cannot be solved overnight. So when we are tempted to complain about too much work, or for any reason, we might well pause to count our blessings. We will be surprised, grateful, and encouraged by what the Lord has already done.