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When President Bush was searching for a leader to oversee the nation’s security, he chose General Colin Powell. He chose him to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He picked him because of his military skill, personality, and integrity. Later, Powell became the first African American Secretary of State. God needed a leader to bring ancient Israel out Egyptian slavery and he chose Moses. We read God’s words in Exodus chapter 3: “I have certainly seen the oppression of my people in Egypt. I have heard their cries of distress… [and] have come down to rescue them. Now go, for I am sending you to Pharaoh.” Moses had impressive leadership credentials. He was a descendant of Abraham to whom God had made specific promises. He had an excellent Egyptian education, impressive cultural skills, and the right kind of personality. But also, God knew that deep inside of Moses was a passion to see His people set free from oppression. Still today, when God sees the oppression of innocent people, He is outraged. He looks for leaders to work for justice. And to be effective, leaders need not only technical skills; they need passion to see people liberated, not only physically, but spiritually, and in all areas of life. And to be effective, leaders need God-given values—the kind that come from following Jesus Christ.

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