Interesting comments from conservative rabble-rouser Ann Coulter about blacks and civil rights this past Sunday on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos. According to Coulter, the Democratic party is dropping its concern about the civil rights of blacks (whom it presumably, according to Coulter, has in its pocket) to focus on Latinos and the gay community.
Though with Coulter every quote is equally explosive, here’s one of her more potent statements from yesterday:
“I think the way liberals have treated blacks like children and many of their policies have been harmful to blacks, at least they got the beneficiary group right. There is the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow laws. We don’t owe the homeless. We don’t owe feminists. We don’t owe women who are desirous of having abortions or gays who want to get married to one another. That’s what civil rights has become for much of the left.”
What do you think? Is Ann Coulter right? Have Democrats abandoned blacks for other interest groups? Is identity politics undermining the unity of the Democratic party? Should civil rights only be considered a “black” issue?
I watched her as she made these comments and though she accuses liberals of pandering, she sounded very condescending as she talked about “the blacks”. It also flies in the face of many conservatives who feel like they’ve done enough for us. So, in some ways, I think she’s using identity politics where it benefits her. She only wants it for “the blacks” and not anyone else that “she” doesn’t think deserves it.
Civil rights is not wholly owned by blacks; it was a movement that came into prominence with our struggle for equal rights, but no where is it written that it was exclusively for us.
I’m not a fan of here’s, nor am a Republican, but she’s right. I can’t tell you how uncomfortable this makes me to agree with Ann, but she’s right. I become an Independent 4 years ago after 20 years of voting Democrat, voted for the current president, but not anymore. Civil rights is for Blacks and equality, but not for gays and illegal immigration to piggy back on. Its insulting for those groups to claim to their fight is civil rights.
Why thank you Lavender for telling me what rights I do or don’t deserve. Your words are so profound. I guess I must accept, as a homosexual, not being equal to heterosexuals. Wow, you must have made a GREAT democrat.
Lavender? From one black woman to another? Your words are shameful and ignorant. I hope you’re only speaking for yourself. Who said /anything/ about illegal immigrants? Do you even hear yourself?
Equal rights for all, because it’s not “equal” if all groups aren’t receiving them. Ever think about that?
When it comes to Ann Coulter, I’ve just learned to ignore the woman.
She’s never had anyone’s interests at heart but her own. She’s support people when it suits her. And quite frankly? She’s not trying to support anyone here as much as she wants to divide the groups within the Democratic party.
In my opinion Miss Coulter is” a mean spirited, bigoted” individual. She has no soul and is angry with herself because she can not convince herself that she is absolutely wrong about every word that comes out of her mouth. Obviously, she was ignored in her childhood and as a result the general public has become victim to her racist comments.