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A mother was diagnosed with incurable breast cancer. She was given only six weeks to live but lived six years. She endured chemotherapy, radiation, open sores, and excruciating pain. Her husband fell and injured his brain. Her daughter suffered epilepsy and seizures. A nurse once told her, “Your God must be on vacation.” Despite all this, she did not blame God, but joyfully assured others, “If you put your trust in Jesus, you can handle any trial.” She was a modern Job. On top of losing his wealth, children, and health, Job’s friends insisted he was suffering because he had sinned. Even though he never denied his faith in God, he longed to learn from God the reason for his suffering. He was convinced that in an audience with God, God would vindicate him and prove his friends wrong. God finally showed up, but instead of telling Job why he was suffering, God asked him a series of questions that Job could not answer. It turned out that just God’s presence fully satisfied Job; and after him prayed for his friends, God restored his health and doubled his previous blessings. So when trials and troubles come—and they will—more than anything, we need the assurance of God’s presence. The awareness of God’s presence can remove our doubts and give us the wisdom and strength to cope.