Andrae Crouch, the Father of Modern Gospel Music
On Thursday afternoon gospel artist Andrae Crouch died in Northridge Hospital Medical Center in Los Angeles where he was admitted on Saturday following a heart attack. The 72-year-old “Father of Modern Gospel” was a consummate artist who not only wrote and sung some of the best known gospel songs but was instrumental in providing popular artists with a gospel sound. From Elvis Presley and Elton John to Michael Jackson and Madonna, Crouch had a midas touch when it came to music and he breathed inspiration into all he touched. The recipient of seven Grammy Awards and one Academy Award nomination for his work on the score for “The Color Purple,” Crouch was certainly a legend. His music not only crossed genres but it crossed cultures with classic songs such as “The Blood Will Never Lose It’s Power” which is a mainstay in not only black churches but predominantly white and multicultural churches the world over. It is the song that gathers many around the table for communion in remembrance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and yet now that Crouch has left us it will also be a song that we sing in remembrance of one of God’s greatest gifts to the gospel music community.
We here at UrbanFaith.com and Urban Ministries Inc., want to pay tribute to him in the only way that makes sense, and that is to share some of our favorite Andrae Crouch songs.
A Moving Moment in Cinema
Crouch and his twin sister Sandra were the music arrangers for “The Color Purple.” In this scene Suge Avery is beckoned to come back to her father’s house–and her Father’s house–by the sounds of “God Is Trying to Tell You Something,” a classic Crouch song.
Giving God the Glory
Crouch composed the choral work “My Tribute” in 1971 being both inspired by the classic hymn penned by Fanny J. Crosby and his own gratitude for God’s works. According to the Psalter Hymnal Handbook, since it’s composition the song has been utilized during the Easter season, in service with Scripture readings, spoken testimonies, the Lord’s Supper, and at other times of thanksgiving for God’s mighty acts in Christ.
Can’t Nobody Do It Like Him
We have all come to love a good “Can’t Nobody Do Me Like Jesus” moment in church. You know how it is. There’s a break in service that is ripe for a shout and a dance and, without fail, the music ministry always goes to this song. We can thank Andrae Crouch for inspiring us to sing of the savior in such liberating ways.
Amen Always
“Let the Church Say Amen” was the song that introduced Andrae to a whole new generation of listeners. Released in 2011 it instantly hit the top of most gospel station’s playlists and it remains in rotation to this day. The song is resonant amongst generations past and present and declares that God is (still) working.
It Will Never Lose Its Power
And we conclude with one of Crouch’s most powerful songs to date, “The Blood Will Never Lose It’s Power.” As stated earlier, it is sung the world over to usher in the sacrament of communion. It symbolically reaches to the highest mountain and flows to the lowest valley, and wherever voices may be heard. It is the song that tells of the strengthening effect of the blood of Jesus. It has power and we pray that effective power will be remembered from here to eternity.
Thank you Andrae Crouch for your ministry in music for the last five decades. Our prayers go out to your family, friends, fans, and all who were and are touched by your music.
Do you have a favorite Andrae Crouch song? Share it and your well wishes to the family below.
Awesome article!! Just one correction – Sandra is his twin sister, not wife as the article states. Be blessed.
This the only way to pay tribute to a man of god and minister of gospel music. He is going to be greatly missed. The life and anointing he brought to gospel music is truly amazing and will be missed. I love all his songs, so they are all my favorite. This awesome gift will be hard to replace
and my condolences goes out to the family as well.
I was saved about the time Andreas song tge tribute! And hearing it still blesses my soul and brings tears to my eyes! A lot has happened since I first heard that song! Encluding cancer I my daughter and sister have had and God healed us all! In my hear of hearts I shout to God be the glory!
For over 45 yrs God has blessed me! Healed me my daughtor bad sister from cancer! And forgave the times I failed him. But to this day “The Tribute” has blessed my heart and I cannot hear
It with pout tears of Joy!!!