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Some years ago, a man was cutting down a tree in a western Pennsylvania forest. The tree snapped, fell on his leg, and pinned him to the ground. Despite all his efforts, he could not free himself. Finally, realizing he would bleed to death if he did not do something, he used his chainsaw to cut off his own leg. He then crawled to his bulldozer and drove himself to town. In Mark 9, we read about a man who was between a rock and hard place. His son was so controlled by a demon that it often threw him into the fire or water trying to kill him. Then the man heard about Jesus. He came to Jesus’ disciples and asked them to heal his son, but they could not do it. He was now caught between the power of the demon and the powerlessness of Jesus’ disciples. Suddenly Jesus showed up. He rebuked His disciples for their lack of faith to heal. The man pleaded with Jesus, “Have mercy on us and help us if you can.” Jesus asked the man, “What do you mean by ‘If I can?… Anything is possible if a person believes.” The father cried out, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” Jesus healed the man’s son. Faith in God is not some magic that gets us whatever we want. As Jesus indicated, God can do anything, but God is not genie. Faith is the confession of our helplessness. By faith we receive those wise blessings God chooses to give those who truly depend in Him.