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Don’t see the audio player? Click here.A recent survey found that people looking for work most often look for good pay, job security, healthcare, a retirement plan, flexible work hours, and promotional opportunities. They want to work for a company where they feel loved, and where their work makes a difference in the world. That is an impressive list of job expectations. But consider the benefits God offers to those who accept His Son as their Savior. Paul lists some of them in Romans Chapter 5. He says when we accept Jesus Christ, 1) God declares us not guilty. 2) We have peace with God. 3) Instead of baseless optimism, we have confidence that God will fulfill His purpose for us in this world. 4) And we can even rejoice in trouble, because we know trials refine our character and increase our faith. All these benefits and more become ours because we accept Christ as our Savior. God used His Son’s death to pay our sin debt and changed our status with Him from that of enemies to friends. Paul then says that since God makes us His friends even though we were His enemies; surely, now that we are His friends, He will keep loving and sustaining us. That’s because Christ lives forever to intercede with God on our behalf. The Apostle says we should rejoice because Christ has made us friends of God. No company on earth can offer benefits like these.