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Don’t see the audio player? Click here.In many states, courts will often expunge the records of people who commit certain non violent crimes. A sealed criminal record can help them get a job, a license, a loan, and other benefits. Expunging a record is similar to what God does for us when we exercise faith in Jesus Christ. If I commit only 10 sins a day, I will commit 255,500 sins by the time I am 70 years old. For any one of those sins, God could banish me from His presence forever. That is because God is perfectly holy and cannot tolerate unholy beings. But because God knows we cannot live up to His perfect standard, He sent His Son to pay our sin debt. Now that Christ has died for our sins, God is pleased to forgive us and wipe our record clean. He does it when we repent of our sins and exercise faith in His Son. Faith in Jesus Christ is the key that turns away God’s wrath and bestows on us eternal blessings. In Romans 4, the Apostle Paul used the words of King David to express the peace and joy that comes when God has expunged our record. “Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. Yes, what joy for those whose record the LORD has cleared of sin.” God’s offer to blot out our entire sinful record is awesome!