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A young man in need of transportation found what looked like a perfect solution. At a dealership, he saw a car with a flawless paint job, new tires, and low miles—all at a nice price. He took it for a ride, but at 55 mph, the engine sputtered and the car started to rattle. He asked the salesman for an explanation. The angry salesman snapped, “Are you here for a joy ride or to buy a car?” Sadly, like this nicely decorated car, we often meet other counterfeits in our world—products, salespeople, and even false teachers. The Bible warns to watch out for counterfeits. The Apostle Paul discovered some in Galatia. After starting a church there, false teachers followed him. They demonized Paul and urged the people to reject his teaching for theirs. They insisted that to be saved, people had to be circumcised and keep the Law of Moses. Paul wrote in Galatians chapter 4, “Those false teachers are so eager to win your favor, but their intentions are not good. They are trying to shut you off from me so that you will pay attention only to them.” Paul explains that their real intent is to dominate and control them to satisfy their lust for power. Still today, we must stay alert for false teachers whose only motive is personal gain, rather than honoring Jesus the Christ as God’s Prophet, Savior, and King.