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Coaches know they need various ways to motivate players to win. They motivate by teaching the game, by explaining the rules, by celebrating successes, by setting goals, and rewarding players. They do all this and more to inspire players to do their best. Notice how Jesus prepared His disciples for the job He wanted them to do after He left the earth. In John 20, on the evening of Resurrection day, He met them in a locked room where they were hiding in fear of their lives. Since the religious leaders had killed Jesus, perhaps they might be next. When Jesus arrived, He came in through the locked doors. His first words were, “Peace be with you!” (from v. 19). This was a normal greeting, but because of their anxiety, it dispelled their fear. His next action was to assure them of His identity—that He was indeed alive, that they were not seeing a ghost. So he showed them His hands and His side. They could see for themselves that He was their Lord who was crucified. This was crucial, because since they were to carry His salvation message to the world, they needed to be absolutely sure that they had the facts. After assuring them of his identity, Jesus commissioned them to take the Good News to the world. He said, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you” (from v. 21). Jesus’ words to His disciples that day still echo in the hearts of all who truly love Him. They honor Him as worthy of their love and obedience.